Micro Rolling for Anti-Aging
I am an adventurous person when it comes to skincare, haircare, pretty much anything related to beauty. Trying new products gives me a special thrill. So when the micro rolling trend started popping up on a bunch of my friends’ profiles who were selling Rodan & Fields, I was curious.
And seriously, talk about something that’s taking the skincare world by storm; I feel like I woke up one morning and 80 percent of my Facebook friends were peddling the R+F products. Spread faster than Kool-Aid at a cult. And the results these women were posting were amazing. Nothing short of miraculous was happening to their subjects’ skins, and I wanted in.
So I started doing my own research.
Since I wasn’t feeling particularly in need of completely changing up my skincare regimen, I began looking at some of the specific products. The micro roller caught my eye. Micro rolling for anti-aging has been used by aestheticians in offices for a while. But it wasn’t until relatively recently that these handy products became available to the general public.
Now, I should pop in a disclaimer here. The effects of micro rolling or micro needling or dermarolling or whatever you want to call it are heavily debated by dermatologists. Many say that the needles that are sold for public consumption are not effective, and that the only way to see real results is by having it professionally done. Others say that it’s dangerous to do at home, and to stick with having a professional do it.
Never one to shy away from a skincare tactic because it’s dangerous, I decided to go ahead and try. As I’ve said in previous posts, though, my skin is pretty tough. When I was in high school I sometimes used rubbing alcohol as astringent. So those with fair skin, be forewarned.
There are many different sizes of micro roller for anti-aging that are available to purchase. This website does a really great job with charting the uses, safety precautions etc. But I’ll outline them below as well.
Sizes of Micro Roller
0.2 to 0.5 mm rollers are the smallest available for home use. These are used to thicken the top layer of the skin, stimulating collagen. They help with large pores, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and shallow scars. Said to be mildly to moderately painful, with no to minimal bleeding. These rollers can be used daily, but can cause redness, dryness and irritation. With 0.5 mm rollers, care should be used not to overdo use.
0.75 to 1.0 mm rollers are the mid-level players. They work in the same way that the smaller rollers do, with the added benefit of helping with deep acne scarring and stretch marks. Said to be slightly to moderately painful, with possible slight to moderate bleeding. These rollers are good for all skin conditions. They should be used anywhere from four to seven times per week, and should be monitored closely.
1.5 to 3.0 mm rollers are the real heavy hitters. These micro rollers are not for use on the face. They can be used for severe scarring
or stretch marks, and are generally used only in dermatologists/aestheticians offices or for use on the body. Said to be very painful, with bleeding occurring. Six to eight weeks is the optimal recovery period for these rollers.
Personally, I went with the 1.0 mm micro roller.
As I said, I have pretty thick skin (purely externally) and I didn’t think the 0.25 mm and 0.5 mm would do much for me. My suspicion was correct.
There is a specific technique to micro rolling. The roller should be used horizontally, vertically, and diagonally over the whole face (avoiding the eye area) for a maximum of two minutes. I usually go around my whole face horizontally, then vertically, then diagonally. Generally, I roll back and forth a couple times in about one inch sections all over my face. There are YouTube videos on technique if you need instruction. I did. I watched a YouTube tutorial.
Now, I’m not going to lie. It hurts a little. Not a lot, but it doesn’t feel like a nice massage in the way some other skin treatments do. It pretty much feels like you’re running little needles over your face. But the results are worth it.
The idea with micro rolling for anti-aging is to use the roller, then apply your serum or treatment so as to achieve better absorption. For my regimen, I used the roller, then my trusty ice, then applied serum or moisturizer.
The results are pretty insane. I swear I can see a different in my skin’s texture after one use. Suffering from a little residual acne scarring from my teen/younger adult years, I’ve tried everything from microdermabrasion to lasers. But this roller works. My skin is slowly progressing towards no-makeup status, which for me would be heaven.
As far as I understand, there are no scientific results to back this up.
However, my results have been fantastic. I will continue using the micro roller a couple times a week for the foreseeable future. It’s a quick, easy, inexpensive step to throw into any beauty routine.
I would suggest doing research to decide which roller is right for you. Overstock has this nifty little four-in-one kit with different sizes, which might be good for experimentation. I found mine on Amazon, which has about a million of them.
Random Thoughts

As for my life this week, the foster kitties, Kiki and Moonshine, have had an application and a visit with a potential new family! So we might be down two kitties in the near future. Also, the pool is finally ready, so I’ve been spending some quality time floating around in there — usually after work and before I write. Since I’ve been fighting off this cold, I’ve also been doing water aerobics, which I used to think was just for seniors but I’m finding quite enjoyable.
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