Perricone MD Face Finishing Moisturizer
There’s no doubt about it – my skin is changing as I get older. Not necessarily for the worse (yet, LOL), but I’m able to use things that I wasn’t when I was younger. The Perricone MD Face Finishing Moisturizer is one such product.
As a teen and in my 20s, anything not oil free was a no go.
I would spend time looking at night creams and products that promised to stop aging in its tracks with moisture, but as soon as I got one of those miracle creams near my skin, I would break out. Looking at the description of the Perricone MD Face Finishing Moisturizer, I thought I would have the same problem.
The Perricone website describes it as, “A luxurious, rose-scented anti-aging moisturizer that helps to restore moisture, radiance, and firmness to the skin for a hydrated, smooth and luminous complexion.” To me, that translates into one thing: breakouts. Combine the fact that the lotion is perfumed with the oil that it surely contains, and I thought I would be fighting a breakout for weeks after using this new lotion.
Here’s the special part.
Perricone’s moisturizer has some elements that make it special. First, there’s a fat soluble form of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an incredible ingredient for anti-aging. I haven’t tried a product yet with Vitamin C that I didn’t love. This particular strain of it is good for sun damaged skin, and it brightens the appearance and reduces discoloration. As someone with melasma, this is great for me.
The cream also contains something called DMAE, which I didn’t know much about. Dimethylaminoethanol , or DMAE for short, is a vitamin supplement that can be taken orally or found in skincare products. It is an antioxidant found most frequently in fish that stabilizes cell membranes, helping protect them from free radical damage. In skincare products, it is used to increase the firmness and tone of skin.
Then, something amazing happened.
I started using the Perricone MD Face Finishing Moisturizer, and I didn’t break out. Instead, my skin felt…pretty amazing. I hadn’t read any of the information on the product before use. To be honest, I wrote it off immediately as a lotion that wouldn’t work for me. But it did. It worked wonders. My skin was hydrated, toned, and as a bonus, I smelled like roses.
Unfortunately, I only had a small sample pot of the Perricone MD Face Finishing Moisturizer that came in my Sephora July Play! Box, so I didn’t get to use this one for very long. But that’s the beauty of beauty boxes (see what I did there?): you get to try little samples before investing in the big product.
The sample size was big enough to give me a sense for what this moisturizer can do. Also, as with a lot of skincare products these days, a little bit goes a long way.
Cost and Where to Buy
The Perricone MD Face Finishing Moisturizer can be found at Sephora, Ulta, or on the Perricone website for the same price, $69. One Amazon store has it listed right now for $51.83, and with a Prime membership, shipping is free. That sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
Summing Up
Overall, the Perricone MD Face Finishing Moisturizer is a great product. I will be adding it into my rotation as soon as I run out of my current lotion.
And now, random things.

The weirdness continues in La-La Land this week, y’all. There’s a huge fire raging north of Burbank, and it’s wreaking all kinds of havoc on the city. According to Variety this morning, it’s the biggest fire in LA City’s history. That’s a pretty crazy title, considering that there are fires all the time here.
We can see the smoke from our backyard, which is also crazy. I thought it was clouds when I went outside yesterday, but nope, huge plume of smoke. Couple the fire with the heat wave we’ve been having (over 100 degrees for the last week) and the conditions in LA are less than enjoyable right now.
The Van Nuys Animal Shelter is evacuating their animals and placing them with the East and West Valley Animal Shelters, which means those shelters are looking for temporary fosters for as many animals as they can find to make room. Do I need more cats? I mean, they’re like potato chips, right? You can’t have just one, or five, or…you know, 100. I don’t think husband would be very pleased if I brought home more animals right now, but we’ll see.
If you’re in the LA area and have the resources, please consider temporarily fostering. If you want more info, leave me a comment below or message me here. And stay safe.
In other news…
I bought husband’s birthday present this week, and it’s kind of also a present for me and I cannot wait. Unfortunately, I can’t reveal what it is, as I believe he has actually started reading the blog, LOL. If you want to know what it is, message me! Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until late October…